5th Annual Peace Essay Contest Topic
“Compassion in Action as exemplified
by the leaders of the three Abrahamic faiths”
Part I: What do the Abrahamic traditions — Judaism, Christianity, and Islam teach us about compassion? How did their founders — Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad — serve as exemplars of compassion?
Part II: Propose a practical teen-based project that embodies the principles of compassion. Show how the teachings you described in part I inspired the project. (A project could be advocacy, education, or material or moral support to those in need of society’s help. Make clear whether the focus is on individuals or whole populations, and how these would be identified or selected).
Our On-Line Mentors were:
Rabbi A. Nathan Abramowitz, Faculty, Theology Department, Georgetown University
Laith Al-Qasem, Chief Executive Officer of Arabian Business Consultants for Development
Susan Bilek, Philosophy Teacher, Washington DC
Diana L. Chambers, The Chambers Group, LLC
Kenneth E. McNeil, Partner, Susman Godfrey LLP
June Murray-Crawford, High School Teacher, Hudson, Massachusetts
Professor Sulayman S. Nyang, Professor of African Studies, Howard University
Our Essay Judges were:
Karima Diane Alavi, former Director, Dar al Islam Teachers’ Institute
Andrew R. Ammerman, Board of Regents, Georgetown University
Susan Bilek, Philosophy Teacher, Washington DC
David Cannon, Scientist with Science Applications International Corporation
Pastor Mark Greiner, Georgetown University
Alex Kronemer, Writer, Film Producer and Lecturer on Religious Diversity
Stacy Ricotta, Educational Advisor, Houston, Texas